I truly love performing wedding ceremonies. I get a chance to see some great places, great views, everyone is always happy at weddings, and I get to meet some great couples. Liz and Derrick (or as Liz named them, "The Delinquents") are a great couple and they almost convinced me to stay all night.
First off, they named themselves "The Delinquents" because it took them a while to get back to me on various aspects of the ceremony. Okay, so they finally got back to me on Thursday for their Friday wedding. But that's okay... I worked on their ceremony and got them back something they really really liked. One of the more fun aspects of this wedding for me was that I had a chance to incorporate another language into the ceremony. Derrick's family is Dutch, and so I worked on a couple of Dutch phrases for the ceremony to honor them and for anyone in attendance that would understand it. I had a chance to use Dutch back in March (Danielle & David's wedding) and it was great to be able to put it to use so soon again. In the past, I've incorporated Spanish, Italian and even a phrase or two in Greek. Now twice in the span of a couple of months I've had the chance to speak some Dutch.
This wedding took place on Long Island, right on the beach and it was truly perfect. The weather in the morning was against us, but by the afternoon, it was beautiful out. The sand, the sky and the couple all looked great. When I got there they were in the middle of their pictures on the beach, without their shoes on. We did a quick run through, and it was sweet to see Liz tear up in anticipation of the real thing.
The ceremony went great and both Liz and Derrick decided to say something in addition to their vows and I've got to say, I was very very impressed by the poem that Derrick wrote. It was very heartfelt, well put together, and one of the most touching things I've seen in the over 100 weddings I've performed. The two of them held hands the whole time, and they were so connected up there, I thought they weren't going to wait for me to finish before getting their kiss.
After their ceremony, they did some rock pictures with the guitar and drums, with Derrick playing a mean "Paradise City". During their cocktail hour, they invited me in to sit with them while they ate a bit. We had a great time talking and as I said, they almost convinced me to stay. However, I knew the drive back would be long, and it was getting late. I left knowing that they would definitely keep in touch.
...one more wedding this weekend. I get to head back to Beckwith...
Be well.
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